My Heart for You…

My Heart for You…

I started HartDesignCo in late 2017 with just a few hand lettered wooden signs and some high hopes that they might just sell. Fast forward 5 years and my dreams for this company have grown and expanded far beyond anything I imagined just a few short years ago. While I truly believe “Home is where the Heart is”….HartDesignCo is about more than just the home….it’s about the everyday woman and all that our lives encompass….

Can I get a little vulnerable here?…

I vividly remember the year 2006. I was a senior in college (mind you, a Christian college that joked “three swings and and a ring” if you dared sitting with your significant other on one of the iconic white swings on the front lawn). I had dated several guys throughout my college career, but none of them ended in a proposal like I had always hoped. My senior year, I remember listening to one of my professors speak at a women’s retreat and say something along the lines of “not all of you will get married.” Wait, what? I think I knew in that moment that marriage may not be in the cards for me, but I was still crushed with the weight of society’s pressure and my own longing. After all, I had only 2 months until graduation with no potential husband in sight…

Fast forward to 2022,

…what a grace of the Lord that He has cultivated in my heart a longing for Him that more than satisfies any other dream my heart could conjure. While I am open to marriage should the Lord provide the right man, I am also completely content in singleness and the life He has already so lavishly provided. I’ve dated some great and not so great guys, and have been heartbroken more times than I care to admit. Through it all, the Lord has taught me that He alone satisfies like no other.

So that brings me to this question…

Should our “unmet expectations” and life detours dissuade us from living our lives FULL OUT? {spoiler alert: the answer is NO!}

Regardless of our demographic or our life “stage”, we are created to “set about our work vigorously” (Proverbs 31:17) and “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). Amen? Praise God that this calling SHOULD and DOES look different for each woman. We are not all called to be a stay at home mom and homeschool our children. We are not all called to work in corporate America. We are not all called to look the same….

We are not called to look and be the women our culture says we should be.

If you’re reading this, you have supported HartDesignCo in some way and I am forever grateful to you. My passion is to grow this business into a brand that utilizes my faith, life experiences, and love for business and entrepreneurship to encourage all women to live FULL OUT her own unique calling as a Proverbs 31 woman.

Each product, each post, and every business course from HartDesignCo is designed to bring an extra bit of heart to your home and joy to your soul… My aim is for HartDesignCo to be a community of women simply striving to make her life and home a little better each day…however God designed that uniquely for YOU.

I have lots of new things coming your way in 2022 and I’m so excited you are along for the ride. If you’re interested in learning about some of my upcoming small business resources, tools, and courses, click here and you can be added the Heart for Your Business community. Either way, stay tuned for more “Heart for Your Home” content and I’ll be cheering you along in your own unique calling.

Here’s to living your life FULL OUT!



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